
What we produce

Here at HLS, we create recordable mylars for Registry of Deeds recording, ANR mylars and prints for presentation to planning boards and subsequent recording, site plans for building permits, and wetland location plans.

we provide

We perform boundary surveys and topographic surveys to the standards set forth in Massachusetts General Laws 250 CMR, Section 6.0. We present plans to planning boards, and provide plans for land use consulting, and land planning.

Boundary Surveys

We provide boundary surveying services for all sizes of projects, from under an acre to hundreds of acres.

Small Subdivisions

Need to cut a building lot out of your larger property? Looking to swap some land with a neighbor to better meet both your needs? HLS provides full service Approval Not Required (ANR) surveying services, from field survey, mylar & prints, to Planning Board presentation.

Topographic Surveys

HLS provides topographic surveys for site plans for building permits, septic design and overall site planning. Contact HLS to discuss your particular project in detail.

Conservation Restriction Surveys

Conservation restriction surveys are conducted to protect natural resources and manage land use. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) oversees these surveys and ensures that proposed activities do not adversely impact registered or eligible archaeological sites or historic structures.

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